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voice over artist

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The voiceover industry is today an industry that we cannot do without; audio recording play predominant roles in advertising, radio, stage presentation, etc.

Before this time, people rarely pay attention to voice acting and those who labor and keep at it, often get peanuts as compensation for their efforts. Not anymore. Currently, the audio industry has grown to be a serious endeavour; the sector is one of the few professions where people earn reasonable sums from using their skills. This article will reveal some important secrets to excellent voiceover acting and will correct some wrong notions associated with the entertainment industry.

What does voice-over entail? Many people who have an interest in acting jobs ask this question often. voiceover acting involves communicating a message with words in a way that the words sound true and they connect with the listeners. It goes beyond having a good voice, but being able to pass a message.

Interestingly, being an excellent voice talent is not a product of voicing skills, but a product of deliberate and concerted efforts.

This is what I mean. The first requirement necessary to master the art of voice acting is not skills. Anyone can train himself or herself to become an excellent talent and can easily grab the voice-over job, however as much as your skills and the efforts you put into them determine how much your vocal chord craft turns out, there are several loopholes that you need to watch carefully.

If you ask any prominent voice actor, what is the secret to their success; they will all say different things. However, what you will find quite astounding is the fact that the different things they would tell you have thin lines connecting them. If you are an aspiring artist or you have interests in dubbing, Read more



If you want to get noticed in the global voice over business ,the very first thing you have to work on is -The quality of your voice-over samples, Now how to do this?

Create 1 1-minute voiceover demo reel using your past work then add a little background music and process in mp3 file format and then share it on Soundcloud, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and other social networking websites or other online music portals like Voices. com,bodalgo. voice realm,voice-bunny etc

The purpose is to spread your name so that voice-over agencies and voice coordinators get connected to you, Please don’t forget to mention your contact details and also put your name on your demo mp3 files For example if your name is Akshay Kumar then name your voice samples as    “akshaykumar_english voiceover samples.mp3”

Register  your website

The purpose of getting your website is to mark your presence in the professional voiceover talent pool.It’s an awesome tool for the voice-over talent to promote himself/herself and helps in connecting big companies and voice-over agencies to reach out to you directly. however, it takes time to get indexed in the Google search engine.

Target your region to market your voiceover samples


If you living in Mumbai and want to promote your voice in another part of the world or cities you should record your voice samples and start promoting it by targeting keyword that points to the other cities and countries, How will you do that? Simple!

Find Local search engines in the city where you want to market your voiceover profile, many local search … Read more